Frequently Asked Questions
Topics and answers to frequent questions around incorporating TeleSAFE into your healthcare facility.
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What does TeleSAFE do?
We provide hospitals with sexual assault forensic examiners (SAFEs) through telehealth. TeleSAFE can provide support to your existing nurses during an exam. We can lead an exam with an onsite nurse that has little to no experience. And we can provide precepting/training for newly trained SAFEs.
How will we pay for yet another program in our hospital?
TeleSAFE’s services are completely free to all hospitals in New York State! The program is funded through a grant from New York State’s Office of Victim Services and Department of Health and in partnership with Saint Peter’s Health Partners.
Can you handle pediatric cases?
Yes – all of our SAFEs are pediatric-trained, and we help hospitals develop protocols and workflows for pediatric patients, whether or not they have treated them before.
Who goes to court if we do an exam?
TeleSAFE’s provider and your hospital provider(s) may both be called to testify. Our providers have ample experience testifying in court and are prepared to do so.
What if we do/do not have an existing medical program?
TeleSAFE can help any hospital! We work with many hospitals that have existing programs, and help with particularly difficult cases, quick consultations, or gaps in coverage.
If you don’t have a program, we can help you avoid transfers by precepting nurses interested in becoming SAFE-certified. Our certified SANE providers can also walk any hospital RN through a complete SAFE exam, regardless of whether they’ve ever done an exam before.
In either case, we are there to support you and your existing team – not replace anyone.
How does the telehealth work? Is it HIPAA compliant?
Hospitals that partner with TeleSAFE utilize a digital colposcope made by MobileODT. This device is used.
Do we still need to call an advocate from a local advocacy center?
Yes! Advocates provide patients with many options after an assault and are a vital resource and support to survivors.
What if a patient doesn’t want TeleSAFE involved in an exam?
A patient always has the right to decline any part of an examination, including TeleSAFE. However, patients overwhelmingly report that they are very grateful for the extra support and expertise during their exams.
What do I need to do to get started?
Sign a very simple contract that explains the (free) services. We then have a dedicated launch team that will help your hospital with equipment setup, training, etc. We have gone live in as quickly as a few weeks for interested hospitals.
Why should my hospital sign up for TeleSAFE?
Eliminate patient transfers and provide higher quality care. Patients that face additional time or expense at another hospital are likely to opt out of care (and think less of your hospital).
Decreased patient wait times and ER delays. Waiting patients are costly and lower patient satisfaction scores.
Establish or fortify a strong SAFE staff, and avoid paying nurses to come on-site to precept.
Enhance your documentation, potentially limiting legal liability.
Deliver more services for free!
Have Questions?
For any questions about TeleSAFE or process contact us below.